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Welcome to JMRHS Beta Club!










 2023-2024 Beta Club Officers
Co-Presidents: Miriam Welsh and Keira Nelson

Vice President: Justin Banh

Secretary: Kian Moreno Marrero

Treasurer: Elizabeth Cox

Historian: Haley O’Brien

Club meetings will be held monthly; our next BETA meeting will be on Friday April 12th at 2:20pm in the Media Center.  Message/email Mrs. Janssen if you will be absent

Click here to get access to the Meeting Minutes/Info  for Friday 4/12 meeting


Click here to access the JMRHS Beta Club Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year. It contains all information about our club, hours required, and meeting dates


Service Hours Submission Links

Remember that you only have 2 weeks from the event to submit hours or they won’t count!


Click here for the Junior Service Hours Link


Click here for the Senior Service Hours Link



Join the Beta Club Remind!

Text @betajmrhs to 81010 . . . we might end up having to use Parentsquare/Studentsquare

Keep up with our meeting dates, activities, and other club reminders.  



Club Sponsor:

Catherine Janssen:



Senior Member Hours based on Submissions and Verifications

***If it appears like you are missing hours that you have submitted, message/email Mrs. Janssen. It could be that it was for a project/location that doesn’t fit our requirements or that we cannot verify your hours/are waiting for a response back with your point of contact. Remember that you cannot have more than 8 hours with any one organization/group/location per semester.    

last updated 4/23

* If you have an asterik by your name, this means you have made your hour requirement AND your stole/cord fees have been paid or covered already, so come grab your stole/cord when you can.  If you made the hour requirement & have paid online, but you are not showing that * below, then send me an email so I can check with Ms. Peterson in the front office 


Last Name First Name Hours
Apel Hannah 15
Atabekov Timur 25.5*
Auman Nasira 26
Banh Justin 57*
Beaver Lillian 32*
Boggs Connor 39.5
Borsuk Rylee 29.5
Brame Jack 43.5*
Bredolo Louis 49*
Carter Yasmine 31
Catalano Cadence 24*
Cloys Kamryn 32.5*
Cornett Ethan 43*
Cox Elizabeth 56*
Farnham Skye 32
Gazda Amber 32*
Gregory Morgan 18
Hedrick Victoria 32.5*
Hemphill Plyler 35*
Hinson Sara 34
Johnson Josephine 32*
Lee Emma 39*
Lovelace Ashlyn 40.5
Macklin Alyssa 30
Merritt Samyra 34
Monroe Haven 25.5
Moreno Marrero Kian 41*
Mundy Carly 47*
Nelson Keira 38.5*
Nichols Alexis 31.5
O'Brien Haley 32*
Parlier Hayden 40.5
Rasheed Kyla 34*
Roy Ryana 28*
Tidwell Samaria 17
Towe Bailey 39.5*
Truong Michelle 43*
Vang Ethan 38*
Vang Madeline 40.5*
Welsh Miriam 49*
Zambuto Isabella 41.5*