2nd Annual JMR Spring Festival
JMR Beta is hosting our first ever Spring Festival on Saturday March 29th from 1-3pm at Robinson!
(Think Trunk or Treat but in the Commons and with so much more!)
We are inviting families with kiddos ages 12 and under from our community, like Furr & Pitts Elementary. We will need A LOT of volunteers to help with this massive event. There will be a variety of opportunities to volunteer and help out, for example: Greeters, running booths, running the egg hunts, running the scavenger hunts, setting up and cleaning up! You can even earn hours for donating items/prizes.
*If you are donating prizes please note: Small toys, candy, temporary tattoos, stamps, etc. You can earn .5 hours (30 min) per large package/bag of the item you bring in. 1 hour max can be earned. Avoid nuts & melting candy
There is definitely a possibility to earn & get credit for MORE than 8 hours by participating on the day of the event (5 hours) and some of the set up/prep options before the event.